Certificate of Digital Facilitation

How to deliver pleasant, impactful, and effective digital learning and collaborating experiences.

The program is designed and facilitated
following the guidelines of the CLICK Framework

Proven ACE Methodology

Accelerated, Cooperative, and Experiential strategies to
ensure a pleasant, impactful, and effective learning experience.

Collaborative and Supportive Environment

Network with a small team that will support your learning and demonstration of digital facilitation skills.

Practical and Immediate Application

Learn and practice facilitation techniques and tools, that
you can later apply to engage your audience digitally.

CLICK Institute is a globally active think tank, committed to creating awareness, exercising advocacy, and taking action on a wide range of issues that have been identified by governments, business, academic, and civic leaders as relevant and critical for a sustainable growth and development of our global society.

Our Team


Fernando Sanchez

Program Curator Director at CLICK Institute
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Lars Hajslund

Leading Academic Advisor Co-Founder at CLICK Institute

Nataliya Wiedemeyer

Facilitator& Coach Founder of GRAVITEAMS

Donna Hailey

Facilitator Coach CLICK Institute

Dalit Halevi

Facilitator & Coach CLICK Institute

Who can benefit from this?

Executives, entrepreneurs, and managers who lead teams.

 Human Capital and Learning & Development executives

 Conductors of talent development summits, events, programs, and any type of learning experiences.

Professors, researchers, teachers, and academic leaders.

Learning leaders, manager and facilitators



40 hours – 6 weeks
24 hours Live Sessions
16 Hours Self-Learning


Learning Designs & Facilitations that Click.

 Neuroscience applied to Meetings and Learning Experiences.

Digital Tools and Techniques for Virtual
Learning Experiences.

Music, Visuals, Videos, Games, and other

Storytelling and Narratives for Digital

Public Identity, Image, Branding, and
Influence as a Digital Facilitator.
