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Intentional Collaboration Should Match the Team Type

Collaboration stands at the center of good teamwork and is key to high performance. But successful and effective collaboration means not simply more of it. In fact, if not managed properly ineffective collaboration can quickly get out of hand: in some companies, collaboration takes as much as 80% of working time leaving employees and leaders with not enough time for deep concentrated work. Tea ...

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Organizational Resilience in the New Now

In today’s realm of the complex, multidimensional and interconnected business world, resilience becomes one of the pillars, that will prepare organizations for long-term prosperity, help to successfully navigate change and master the transformation. What defines a resilient organization? This is how Gartner in 2020 Strategic Road Map for Business Continuity Management puts it: Resilient org ...


Employee Engagement – the Other Side of the Coin

Employee engagement has emerged as one critical factor for organizational success in today’s competitive business world. According to Gallup organizations with high employee engagement are up to 20% more profitable, than their counterparts, that score low on the engagement spectrum. High employee engagement also leads to higher talent retention rates, more innovation and fewer mental health issue ...


Engage Your Team Virtually and Boost Performance

The biggest worry of many HR departments in the context of the corporate work is employee disengagement. Is this challenge new? Is attributable to the current surge of remote work? No, good HR managers and corporate executives are tackling this issue for a long time now. But the current multidimensional disruption of the way we used to work employee engagement might be the single most importan ...

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Organizational Coaching is Key for Systemic Change

Organizational coaching targets systemic change within an organization. Different from individual business coaching, the focus of the effort is on the whole organization or specific parts of the organization. Unlike team coaching, where the goal is to enable a single team (leader and direct reports) to work better together, the goal of organizational coaching is to help the organization ...

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Virtual Sales – Engage Remotely

At the post-pandemic new normal, the way we are doing sales is not the same as it once was.  Before COVID-19, building up a client relationship involved series of touches via emails and phone calls, following by personal meetings and addressing questions of both sides. For large institutional clients and professional associations, there would usually be festive Grand Product Launch party ...

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How to Have Fewer, but Better Virtual Meetings

Today, the corporate world sits in more meetings than ever before. Executives report they are spending at least half of their time in meetings. With extensive use of remote work and home office, many meetings have been moved from the conference room to the online platforms. Initially, many hoped to be lucky to escape the office meeting madness, just to find themselves in the completely new dime ...

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9 Keys to Your Virtual Team Success

We live in a world, which is becoming more and more globally connected. As the technologies allow unlimited collaboration at the distance, virtual work had picked up significantly in the last decades and today nearly everyone works virtually, in one way or another, at least among the knowledge workers. Its popularity grows continuously and only businesses that are ready to embrace this trend, ha ...