Accelerate your journey


Project Management Services for all stages of the project from requirements management to closing, helping you to keep track of the stakeholders, the team, planning and delivery of work as well as measure of your success.

Services include:

  • Direct project engagements
  • Workshops and webinars
  • Trainings
  • Advisory
  • Coaching for Project Managers


Why are some leaders able to champion initiatives in their businesses, that help make a positive impact on environment and society, while some others do not even realize how much damage or waste, they end up contributing?

They have what we call, a sustainability mindset. In a very natural way, they see and account for the long-term causes and effects of their actions on the environment. They understand the interconnectedness of the systems see themselves as part of them.

Fortunately, sustainability mindset can be developed. Get in touch for more information on how we can help you to improve ecoliteracy, systemic thinking, self-awareness and creative innovation for more purposeful and sustainable business and a healthier world.


Organizational culture is the accepted collective behavior. It manifests itself in ways people talk, and act, share workload, make decisions, perceive fairness and solve conflicts.

Organizational culture can make it or break it and it will not be outsourced to technology any time soon. That is why more effort and emphasis is being put on getting it right.

We can help you to:

  • Define and measure your organizational culture with objective metrics that you will understand
  • Set preferences and create plan and measures for getting from here to there.
  • Align culture with the business strategy s
  • Create ways to recruit and retain most suitable people
  • Avoid common mistakes of “culture change”